Charity defibrillator installed

Published: 14/09/2023 By Hannah Duncan

We are extremely excited to announce that we now have a defibrillator outside our Sutton office - check out the video below.

Working with the Paul Alan Project, whose aim is to raise awareness and prevent cardiac arrest deaths, we were able to donate the defibrillator. The defibrillator which can be easily seen from the side of the main road is for use by the whole community; whilst we hope it never has to be used we are pleased to be able to offer this life saving equipment on a busy road in Sutton.
The defibrillator also contains a bleed control kit which was donated by the Paul Alan Project; both can be accessed by calling 999 and giving our address or ‘what 3 words’ code (both printed clearly on the box) to the operator, who will be able to provide the access code to the defibrillator and or bleed control kit.  

Senior Partner Martin comments:
“being a local business since 1985 we are part of the local community which we like to support in any way we can. tba were delighted to support the objectives of the Paul Allen Project by installing an external defibrillator for public use in case of need. I am aware the installation of public use defibrillators is promoted by our M.P Eliot Colburn who visited our office to inspect the installation.”

Founder of the Paul Alan Project Clare Parish comments:
“We are so happy to be able to work with tba, to not only have brought the public access defibrillator and bleed control kit to the community and it's visitors but to be able to train all tba staff in cardiac arrest lifesaving skills. We are so grateful to them for their generosity and embracing and understanding the importance of The Paul Alan Project and we look forward to growing a relationship with them and more local businesses in order to look after people in Sutton and Greater London.”

Clare started the Paul Alan Project following the death of her father, who sadly suffered a cardiac arrest whilst watching a football match at Fulham FC. Now understanding the importance of knowledge, CPR and how a defibrillator can saves lives, Clare founded the project with the intent that everyone should have access to necessary lifesaving skills and devices. In less than a year Clare has grown the Paul Alan Project and this month has been granted a registered charity status, an amazing achievement for a brilliant project.
All members of staff at tba will also be receiving invaluable lifesaving skills training, which we are grateful to Clare and her team for being able to provide. Especially as in recent years we had a member of staff suffer from a heart attack at our offices.  

Please spread the word about the Paul Alan Project and the great work Clare and her team do, if you are driving past the office see if you can spot the bright yellow box!