Looming SSP reform

Published: 16/09/2019 By Thomas A

The government is looking to reform Statutory Sick Pay , this is to ensure the rules support employers in retaining staff who experience health problems.

The government proposals are intended to provide early access to occupational and financial advice.

The aim is for employers to avoid their employees with long term health conditions falling out of work as well as supporting employers in getting their employees back into work following ill health.

A proposed change involves looking at ways of reforming the current Statutory Sick Pay rules, one being a reduction in the qualifying threshold, currently, £118 per week. This will allow payment of Statutory Sick Pay to employees whose earnings are below this threshold.

Another being a rebate to employers who support employees in returning to work following ill health.

This proposed reformation will make for better control and will allow over a million low paid workers currently not entitled, access to Statutory Sick Pay.