Published: 21/03/2022 By Hannah McCormack
Pre-covid our TBA bag travelled all over the world - check out our instagram page for all the places it has been (@turpinba ). Due to covid it has been staying a bit closer to home, even as close as Battersea Park!Our TBA travelling bag has been in Battersea Park because two members of our staff recently took part in the Glow Walk which is run by The Alzheimers Society. With the slogan "Shine a light on dementia" Claire and Ellie took part in the walk on behalf of their friend who has recently been diagnosed with Dementia. They walked the 5.5km route in the pouring rain but managed to complete the course in 1 hour and 20 minutes - what a great achievement!
Sponsorship from family as well as the Partners and Staff at turpin barker armstrong meant they raised a respectable total of £460, added together with their group of fundraising ladies who also took part in the Glow Walk they raised a grand total of £1,500.
All the funds raised from the Glow Walk goes to helping anyone affected by dementia.
If you would like to make a donation, Claire and Ellie's personal link is below: